Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fair Trade? By Darkbraken

There are four sections that help you identify what's rarer-  date, popularity, color, and how common it is. Read through these small paragraphs to have a short description of it.

First of all, date. Well the  Top Hat comes from the beta, and the Royal Cape came from February. Thanks to the date of when the Top Hat came out, it is rarer. A 2010 item isn't as rare as a 2011 item.

Next would be popularity. Popularity is how much an item is in demand. For example, everyone wants cuffs; making them an high in demand item. This raises the item's rarity for one reason: Everyone wants one! So if you've been wondering why people think cuffs are so rare, that's why.

Well... what about how common an item is. NM Gloves are very common. You see them everywhere, correct? This lowers there rarity to Very Common. But a Dark Blue Top Hat is much less common making it Very Rare. There are a few identities for how common an item is. Very Common, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, and Ultra Rare. Freedom Wings are ultra rare. You get the point, right?

Well, what about color? Why is a Dark Blue Top Hat rarer than a Brown Top Hat? Well, you can change the colors. Often some are lazy and just change the color once or don't change it at all. Most of the time the item that is at the very back becomes the rarest, or the most wackiest color. Due to this, there are less Dark Blue Top Hats and more Pink Top Hats. That makes the dark blue Top Hat rarer.

Now combine these four pieces to find out what is rarer! Now you don't need to go and ask your local rare expert. Though it's always nice to ask your friends for their opinions. 


  1. would a venus flytrap be fair for my cat banner?

  2. was a venus flytrap fair for my cat banner?

  3. actually I disagree with everything exept date
    I know more people with blue tops then pink tops

  4. i traded a rare scary cat mask for a rare doctors bag and a rare woven shoes is that fair?

  5. and what are the item that are sky-high only?
